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Volleyball Club
Tune Ups
Bader Region Membership
Required Documents
Before attending tune ups or tryouts athletes must complete the Concussion Form and Medical Release Form. These forms need to be given to South Shore Slam staff when checking in. If you are attending multiple tune up and/or tryouts the forms only need to be completed once.

All Tune Ups will be held at the Berkshire Gymnasium
101 School St. Sheboygan Falls, WI
All Tune Ups are limited to 32 athletes

Thursday, Nov. 7th: 6:30-8:30PM
Wednesday, Nov.13th 6:30-8:30PM
G13s/G14s Tune Ups
Teams are Full.
Tune Ups will Be Determined in Fall for the 2025-2026 Season
Thursday, Nov.14th: 6:30-8:30PM
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